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发表于 2007-4-12 09:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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公司简介<br />杭州鸿凯进出口有限公司是一家新近成立的专业经营服饰进出口企业。公司位于美丽的杭州,地理位置优越,紧邻上海港、宁波港,交通十分便利。我公司主营各种针织梭织服装,如牛仔系列,衬衫,西裤,夹克,睡衣,裙子,T恤等等,是一家综合性工贸联营(生产与加工)的进出口公司。<br /> 我们的工厂已成立多年,拥有员工120余人,技术人员12余人;有专业设计能力并能满足客户各种需求;产品款式新颖,质量保证;产品主要销往:美国﹑英国﹑法国﹑德国﹑日本﹑意大利﹑俄罗斯等十几个国家。公司弘扬“勇于开拓,注重效益”的企业精神;坚持“求实创新”的企业方针;努力提高人员素质严格管理,提高经济效益,追求国际纺织品市场的开拓。<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;公司的宗旨是质量与货期第一、信用至上,诚信交易。<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;如果您有兴趣,我们任何时候都欢迎你随时寻价。如你方便,也可以来杭州。我们欢迎你的到来,您的信赖才是鸿凯的明天!!<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;联系方式:<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;联系人:陈小杭<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Tel: 0571-86685583<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Fax:0571-86685776<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;E-mail: <a href="mailto:cxh128@hzhongkai.com">cxh128@hzhongkai.com</a> <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Ddd: 杭州市秋涛北路252号三华天运花园13幢501室<br /><br />English Introduce<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Hangzhou Hongkai Import&amp; Export Co.,Ltd is one of the major exports of knitted garment and woven garment in China, For example many series of jeans, shirt, blouse, dress, sleepwear, jacket and so on .Our company lies in hangzhou which is a beautiful city, and it has two hours to go to shanghai Port and Ningbo port.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Our manufacturers have professional ability of design ,our products receive high praises from our customers both new and old due to their exquitsite workmanship, attractive and reliable quality. Our top quality services and favourable price with our clients. Hangzhou Hongkai Import &amp; Export is willing to cooperate with friends from home and abroad, and to continously provide more satisfactory services by observing professional ethics and standards.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;We welcome you inquiry at any time if you are interested in our products. We hope we can establish good relationship between us. We have won confidence and support from our broad old and new customers by relying on our top-quality products and sincere services. Welcome to Hangzhou!<br />Welcome to Hangzhou!<br />Tel:0086-571-86685583<br />Fax:0086-571-86685776 <br />E-mail: <a href="mailto:cxh128@hzhongkai.com">cxh128@hzhongkai.com</a><br />Address:No.252, north of qiutao Road, hangzhou of Zhejiang province, China.<br /><br /> <img src="images/smilies/biggrin.gif" smilieid="3" border="0" alt="" />
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