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发表于 2006-10-27 09:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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近来有美国客人投诉有关真丝异味问题,下面是原文,翻过来大意是客人买了一条真丝被套,可异味很大,放阳台吹了两天还散不掉。排除包装塑料带的因素,请行家指点一下迷津。谢<br /> <br />I bought a king duvet Asheville by Nautica.&nbsp;&nbsp;I was so exicited as I have been looking for that perfect duvet cover for the master bedroom.&nbsp;&nbsp;Anyway, the smell coming out of this duvet was a unbelieveablly strong chemical smell.&nbsp;&nbsp;The smell made me dizzy.&nbsp;&nbsp;I put the duvet on the balcony off of my bedroom for two days and the smell is still extremely strong.&nbsp;&nbsp;I let my seventeen year old son smell it (he is very strong in the science field) and he agreed to get the duvet out of the house.&nbsp;&nbsp;I wouldn't even attempt to have this dry cleaned.&nbsp;&nbsp;The odor is so horrible that I would 't want this touching my skin or breathing it in.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br />What kind of chemicals do you use in your fabric production or maybe the plastic that wraps it?&nbsp;&nbsp;I <br /><br />I await your reply.
发表于 2006-10-27 21:12 | 只看该作者
没味道就不是绢丝了,过一 段时间就没了,正常现象.
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