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招聘 500 强 Technical Marketing Development Supervisor- 染整[公告]

发表于 2005-7-28 14:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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this postion is located in Shanghai .If any candiate feel interested ,pls contace me&nbsp; &nbsp;021-62361915*8002 or Msn:candyw1104@hotmail.com<br />Salary: 10K~15K per month<br />Responsibilities: <br />1.Identify business opportunities to create value-added products in place with customers and put plans in place to address. Seek to create win/win solutions with customers. <br />2.Well planned ahead and proactively participate in the new product development with customers and generate systematic information to share with the development results and technical issues with customers and within group &amp; organization. <br />3.Provide product development leadership in customer. Work closely with the technical sales to give positive/negative impact on company 's business with the customer. <br />4.Work closely with marketing function to help downstream customers and brand houses fully aware product values and the textile trend. <br />5.Link with the global resources to obtain adequate information to share with customers in compliance with cooperate policy <br />6.Monitor / report competitive activity &amp; information to the business team on regular basis and provide the solution. <br /><br />Skills and Knowledge Required: <br />1.College graduated with BS or MS degree in either textile engineering or related textile field <br />2.Professional expert in Dyeing &amp; Finishing area with successful developmental experiences <br />3.Have initiated and led strategic fabric dyeing and finishing development project with customers <br />4.Have generated effective trouble shooting solutions to various complex technical problem <br />5.Able to present information and idea with well-developed oral and written communication skills effectively in both Mandarin and English <br />6.Working in textile related Dyeing and Finishing mills with min. 10 years experiences is a must <br />7.Has taken leading Dyeing and Finishing technical development roles, developing new dyeing and finishing technologies including new dyeing and finishing receipe, innovative dyeing and finishing technique using diffferent hard fibers with spandex fiber new functional fibers and its combination with spandex fiber new dyeing and finishing process routes for significant cost saving <br />8.Wiling to travel around China/H.K. region <br />9.Mature personality, able to work independently in a cross functional and cross business environment <br />10.Aggresive,open minded, good working attitude and a team player
发表于 2005-7-28 22:59 | 只看该作者
靠!!<br />好拽!
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