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发表于 2005-11-9 18:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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某美资纺织品贸易公司因业务需要急聘以下人员. 主要产品包括:服装针织面料,工业无纺布及汽车用面料等<br /><br />职位要求 :<br />工作年限: 七至十年以上&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />学&nbsp; &nbsp; 历: 本科及以上,硕士学位优先<br />外语要求: 英语非常熟练&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <br />出差频率: 根据具体情况需要国内(50%)<br />电脑水平: 熟练运用MS word, excel, PowerPoint e-mail.<br />工作地点: 上海市<br /><br />职位描述:<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 运筹部经理直接向美国总公司副总汇报,将负责管理采购,生产和质量控制等运作方面.开发项目,拟定生产时间计划,管理计划表,协调工程师组和质量管理人员. 直接和美国总公司工作人员合作, , 开发新的供应商.<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 合格的候选人应有丰富的纺织业工作经验, 在中国有良好的供应商网络, 精通生产流程, 具有以下相关产品的技术背景: 经编织物,<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 要求有管理团队的经验, 细致有条理的工作风格, 了解国际质量标准体系和程序,能够同时管理多项项目, 及时有效地向上级汇报工作进程.<br /><br /><br />Description<br />Product Development Manager is responsible for working with textile suppliers to develop new products, specifications and testing requirements to meet the needs of USA customers. <br />The PD manager, reports to the Senior Operations Manager, and works closely with Production Engineers and Quality Assurance teams to ensure adherence to schedules.<br /><br />The candidate should have a solid textile experience, a good network among manufacturing mills in China, and a technical understanding in any of the following products:&nbsp;&nbsp;circular knits, warp knits, non-woven fabrics, or other industrial textiles. <br />Candidates should possess creative problem solving and excellent communication skills.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />The job requires a detail-oriented, organized and project/task driven person who is able to contribute toward us managing schedules and meeting customer expectations.<br /><br />Other requires<br />Experience:&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;5Years<br />Education: minimum two year college or technical school; textile degree preferred<br />Language: fluent in English<br />Traveling: mobile, willing to travel frequently<br />Computer skills: high-level proficiency for MS Word, Excel, and E-mail<br />Location: Shanghai<br /> 如有意向,请发简历到:<a href="mailto:jacksleader@yahoo.com.cn">jacksleader@yahoo.com.cn</a>
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