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发表于 2005-11-12 01:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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alexander<br />Email: <a href="mailto:Alexander.h2j@gmail.com">Alexander.h2j@gmail.com</a>.<a href="http://www.esquel.com)" target="_blank">http://www.esquel.com)</a>[/url]<br />一EDUCATION<br />1 Department of textile Chemistry, post-graduate, Donghua University (former China Textile University), Shanghai, China; Diploma: “Master of engineering”. <br /><br />My Advisor: Prof. Song XinYuan (宋心远)<br /><br />2 Department of textile Chemistry, Donghua University, Diploma: &quot;Bachelor of engineering&quot;<br />二 PRACTICE EXPERIENCES<br />2002/7-2002/9 Bayer (Lanxess) chemical company, Shanghai (China) .<br />Clay (soaping and peroxide stabilizator) agent development<br />三 WORKING EXPERIENCES<br />2004/11- Present&nbsp; &nbsp;Esquel group (<a href="http://www.esquel.com)" target="_blank">http://www.esquel.com)</a> R&amp;D supervisor <br />A fabric devolopment(Wacker,GE,dowcorning,ciba,Nano-tex,cognis,lanxess, 3M),dyestuff, auxiliary chemicals substitution, solve workshop's problem<br />B Organic&nbsp;&nbsp;amino-silicone softener, linear block copolymer silicone, perfluorin agent synthesis (water &amp; oil repellence finishing, stain release), photo catalysis nano dioxide titanium<br /><br />四 COMPUTER:&nbsp;&nbsp;Fluent in MS WINDOWS, MS OFFICE, ChemOffice, Programming language VB and Pascal. <br />Certification of Microsoft VB Product Expert, <br />Certification of No 2 grade programming of Shanghai.<br />English :&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Fluent in reading, writing&nbsp;&nbsp;CET-6<br />Korean :&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Beginners, ability to read, write and speak a little.<br />Second specialty:&nbsp;&nbsp;Engineering of management of Donghua University in 1999-2002<br />五QULITY AND INTERESTS<br />Qualities: Sociability, friendly, determined person, Humor, responsible, spirit of group-working.<br />Interests: music, movie, economics, international news, tennis and history <br />六 Published paper<br />《染料,助剂等在计算机中编码和分子设计》<br />《浅谈超分子染色助剂的研究》
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