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发表于 2006-11-7 10:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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我是猎头,目前有德国品牌公司,欲在苏州请QC,<br /><br /><br />请大家踊跃报名<br /><br />任职要求:<br />Bachelor’s degree or above<br />Minimum 3 years of experience in apparel manufacturing and product assurance Broad knowledge and understanding of apparel or footwear including testing Good business sense and good communication skills<br /><br /><br />职位职责:<br />Ensure all return goods are inspected according to the return goods policy Implement appropriate inspection and testing protocol for customer and consumer returns Analyze returns, issue quality reports and to senior management and other relevant departments Assist customer service &amp; sales department to coach customers on defective goods appraisal Establish and maintain a good working relationship with the Suzhou Product Inspection Bureau<br /><br />备&nbsp; &nbsp; 注: 该职位需对服装及面料有专业的知识的技能<br /><br /><br />有意向者给我发简历吧:<a href="mailto:barbara@asiaprogress.com">barbara@asiaprogress.com</a><font color="#B22222"></font><br /> <img src="images/smilies/tongue.gif" smilieid="7" border="0" alt="" />
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