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发表于 2007-10-15 20:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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<font face="宋体 "><font size="2">We are South African buying office in Ningbo, in order to cope with the newly expanded business in US w</font></font><font size="2">e now need to enroll one&nbsp;&nbsp;merchandiser : </font><br /><font size="2"></font> <br /><font size="2">Job descriptions are as below:</font><br /><font face="宋体 "><font size="2">1) following up samples (salesman samples, 1st sample,fit samples, PP samples etc) and production with local factories,</font></font><br /><font face="宋体 "><font size="2">2) communicate directly with customer in US by email or phone, </font></font><br /><font size="2">3) do other translation works required,</font><br /><font face="宋体 "><font size="2"></font></font> <br /><font face="宋体 "><font size="2">Requirements on candidates are as below:</font></font><br /><font size="2">1) good spoken and written English,</font><br /><font size="2">2) at least two years experience as merchandiser in knitted garments like t-shirts, fleece hoody, velour track suits,</font><br /><font size="2">3) experience of handling US brands/customers before will be a preference,</font><br /><br /><br /><font size="2"></font> <br /><font size="2">Interested candidates pls </font><br /><font size="2">send your English resume indicating the salary to <a href="mailto:carey@brantex.net"><font color="#0000ff">carey@brantex.net</font></a> </font><br /><font face="宋体 "><font size="2"></font></font>
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