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发表于 2007-5-8 14:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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if you are talking about the Gunne airjet terry towel looms,<br />we have 6 units for sale and we gave to you the extra price of&nbsp;&nbsp;EUR 55.500 net for us<br />what more details do you need?&nbsp;&nbsp;Speed can be afford to 520 / 550 tpm as per manufacturer<br />In the mill were running at 480 as the looms stop very few, the matter of speed is due to the<br />quality of the yarns used. Machine belonged to a preowner very big company<br />谢谢!!!
发表于 2007-5-8 21:43 | 只看该作者
if you are talking about the Gunne airjet terry towel looms,<br />如果你谈的是Gunne喷气织机<br />we have 6 units for sale and we gave to you the extra price of EUR 55.500 net for us<br />我们有6台待售并能给你净价...欧元的特别价<br />what more details do you need? 你还需要更多细节吗?Speed can be afford to 520 / 550 tpm as per manufacturer速度每分钟520 / 550&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />In the mill were running at 480 as the looms stop very few, 在工厂运行速度为每分钟480很少会停机the matter of speed is due to the<br />quality of the yarns used.速度取决于所用纱的质量 Machine belonged to a preowner very big company机器原属于一家很大的公司<br /><br />另,这些不是特别专业的英语,你仔细看会懂的!还有,你们买进口二手喷气织机呀?
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-12 12:16 | 只看该作者
my answer:<br />a) 是的,大部分看懂是没问题,主要是想全部传上来比较连贯,容易理解。<br />我主要不懂得是TPM, 你可能忘记写上了吧。请问,它是一个什么单位名词么?比如RPM,是每分钟多少转,可是TPM是每分钟多少“T&quot;?你写下面那个数值480是每分钟480啊,是不是指的转速?如果是,是主电机的转速还是另有所指?<br />b) 我有个客户想买进,你是做这行的么?另外,请教:一般的进口程序是怎么样的?
发表于 2007-5-12 13:18 | 只看该作者
tpm是指捻度范围,twist per meter
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