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发表于 2006-8-11 08:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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weave: 36x32 per sq.inch<br />weight: 625 gms for bag size 66x49&quot; with bag sewn bothsides and cut top. Both sides is selvedge so bags is made from 49&quot; wide cloth.<br />You can work out the count and let me know .<br />Quantity is more than 500,000 bags for delivery commencing November till end February<br />Baling must be double folded each bag and highly pressed in bales of 500 in powerful press like 300 tonne same as PP exporters using. This is very important as it will effect the prices due to maximum container packing. <br /><br />THE BEST ONE IS CIRCULAR KNITTED RIBBED TYPE WITH BAG WEIGHT ABOUT 700GMS FOR BAG 36X72&quot;, BOTTOM DOUBLE FOLDED AND SEWN &amp; CUT TOP, AND IS MADE FROM LOW QUALITY COTTON WHICH THEY CALL MOSS AND THE PRICES ARE VERY LOW. <br />忘记留下我的联系方式了:13379000529 QQ:497870364<br />E-mail&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="mailto:lyx0815@126.com">lyx0815@126.com</a>
发表于 2006-8-11 09:58 | 只看该作者
djndsi ,ewo ofm,iwmsaom,jwei,sfkoe feiw&nbsp;&nbsp;wrijwekl&nbsp;&nbsp;ewkfps&nbsp;&nbsp;iwej j werirwq032 32w3dgmd oipetot otkep awkfgk&nbsp; &nbsp;esfjjk&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;ewoipf qwpq[gn jejbnd egk&nbsp; &nbsp; ewojkf dk&nbsp;&nbsp;wqepsdjfj&nbsp; &nbsp;ewjjfj&nbsp; &nbsp;w33500&nbsp; &nbsp;dsfkjls 4&nbsp;&nbsp;fs f p4p&nbsp;&nbsp;sd fes
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