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4&nbsp; &nbsp;服装部位、部件<br /> <br />4.1&nbsp; &nbsp; 上装部位<br /> <br />4.1.1&nbsp; &nbsp;前身 <br /> 肩缝 shoulder seam<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;前后肩连接的部位。<br /> 领嘴 notch<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;领底口末端至门里襟止口的部位。<br /> 门襟 closing<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;锁眼的衣片。<br /> 门襟止口 front edge<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;门襟的边沿。<br /> 搭门 front overlap<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;门里襟叠在一起的部位。<br /> 扣眼 buttonhole<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;扣钮的眼孔。<br /> 眼距 buttonhole spacing<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;扣眼间的距离。<br /> 袖窿 armhole<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;绱袖的部位。<br /> 驳头 lapel<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;门里襟上部翻折部位。<br /> 平驳头 notch lapel<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 与上领片的夹角呈三角形缺口的方角驳头。<br /> 戗驳头 peak lapel<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 驳角向上形成尖角的驳头。<br /> 胸部 chest<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;衣服前胸丰满处。<br /> 腰节 waist line<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;衣服腰部最细处。<br /> 摆缝 side seam<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;袖窿下面由前后身连接的缝。<br /> 里襟 under lap<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;钉扣的衣片。<br /> 底边 hem<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;衣服下部的边沿部位。<br /> 串口 gorge<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;领面与驳头面缝合处。<br /> 假眼 mock button hole<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;不开眼口的装饰用扣眼。<br /> 驳口 roll line<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;驳头翻折部位。<br /> 单排扣 single breasted<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;里襟钉一排钮扣。<br /> 双排扣 double breasted<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;门里襟各钉一排钮扣。<br /> 止口圆角 front cut<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;门里襟下部的圆头。<br /> 前后披肩 front or back shoulder cape<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;覆盖在肩部前后的部件。<br /> 扣位 button placement<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;钮扣的位置。<br /> 滚眼 bound button hole<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;用面料做的扣眼。<br /> 前过肩 front yoke<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;连接前身与肩缝合的部件。<br /> 门襟翻边 placket<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;外翻的门襟边。<br /> 领省 neckline dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;领窝部位的省道。<br /> 前腰省 front waist dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;衣服前身腰部的省道。<br /> 胁省 underarm dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;衣服两侧腋下处的省道。<br /> 横省 side dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;腋下摆缝处至胸部的省道。<br /> 前肩省 front shoulder dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;前身肩部的省道。<br /> 肚省 fish dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;大袋口部位的横省。<br /> 前身通省 front open dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;从肩缝到下摆的开刀缝。<br /> 刀背缝 princess seam<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;弯形的开刀缝。<br /> <br />4.1.2&nbsp; &nbsp; 后身<br />;&nbsp;总肩 across back shoulder<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;从左肩端至右肩端的部位。<br />;&nbsp;后过肩 back yoke<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;连接后身与肩缝合的部件。<br />;&nbsp;背缝 center back seam<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;后身中间缝合的缝子。<br />;&nbsp;背叉 vent<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;背缝下部开叉。<br />;&nbsp;摆叉&nbsp;&nbsp;side vent<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;摆缝下部开叉。<br />;&nbsp;后搭门 back overlap<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;门里襟开在后背处。<br />;&nbsp;领窝 neckline<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;前后身与领子缝合的部位。<br />;&nbsp;后领省 back neck dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;后领窝处呈八字形的省道。<br />;&nbsp;后肩省 back shoulder dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;后身肩部的省道。<br /> 后腰省 back waist dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;后身腰部的省道。<br /> 后身通省 back open dart<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;从肩缝到下摆的开刀缝。<br />4.2&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;下装部位<br />1——waistband 裤头<br />2——waistband button 腰头钮<br />3——button tab 里襟尖咀<br />4——waistband lining 裤头里<br />5——bearer button 裤头钮<br />6——extended tab 宝剑头,裤头搭咀<br />7——left fly 门襟,钮牌<br />8——fly buttonhole 钮牌扣眼<br />9——front fly 裤门襟<br />10——crutch lining 裤裆垫布<br />11——side seam 侧骨<br />12——inside seam 下裆缝<br />13——reinforcement for knees 膝盖绸<br />14——leg opening 裤脚<br />15——turn-up cuff 卷脚,反脚<br />16——heel stay 贴脚条<br />17——crease line 裤中线<br />18——fly button 钮扣<br />19——right fly 里襟,钮子<br />20——slant pocket 斜插袋<br />21——front waist pleat 前腰褶<br />22——watch pocket / coin pocket 表袋<br />23——beltloop 裤耳<br />24——hip pocket 后袋<br />25——seat seam / back rise 后裆缝/后浪<br />26——back waist dart 后褶
发表于 2005-3-9 16:05 | 只看该作者
口袋 pocket<br />挖袋 insert/slit/slash/set-in ~<br />贴袋 patch ~<br />大贴袋 roomy ~<br />袋鼠袋 kangaroo ~<br />有盖贴袋patch ~ with flap//flap jetted side ~<br />明贴袋 outline/out ~<br />开贴袋 post ~<br />内贴袋 sandwich ~<br />压片贴袋 out pleat patch ~<br />嵌袋 welt/piping ~<br />细嵌线袋 slender welt ~<br />一字嵌袋 wide welt ~<br />双嵌里袋 double welt inside ~<br />直袋 vertical ~<br />插袋/斜袋 slash/angle/insert/set-in/side ~<br />有盖斜袋 hacking ~<br />有盖袋 flap ~<br />平盖袋 flat ~<br />带纽扣的有盖带 flap and button down ~<br />扇型袋 scarap ~<br />褶裥袋 pleated ~<br />明/阴裥袋 box/inverted pleated ~<br />风琴袋/立体袋 accordion ~<br />风箱袋/老虎袋 bellows ~<br />缘饰袋 fringed ~<br />滚边袋 piped/tambour ~<br />夹层袋 bound ~<br />上/下袋 upper/lower ~<br />后袋 back ~<br />暗袋 concealed/hidden ~<br />里袋 inside/lining ~<br />锯齿形内袋 zigzag inside ~<br />裤后袋 hip ~<br />裤插袋 side ~/sidekick<br />摆缝袋 seam ~<br />侧缝直袋 side ~<br />侧缝横袋 horizontal side ~<br />侧缝斜袋 slant side ~<br />零钱袋 change ~<br />袋盖 pocket flap/flap<br />袋布 ~ piece/lining//pocketing<br />垫袋料 ~ stay<br />袋口牵布 ~ facing<br />口袋挂袢 ~ bearer
发表于 2005-3-9 16:04 | 只看该作者
部位部件名称terms of position&amp;parts<br />衣前身&nbsp;&nbsp;front body/front<br />裁片/片料 cutted pieces/cut<br />衣大身 bodice/body<br />大身衣片 body piece<br />前身里子 front lining<br />全/半衬里 full/half lining<br />活动里 detachable lining<br />拉练脱卸里 zip-out lining<br />防缩衬里 shrink-proof lining<br />衣肩 shoulder<br />腰节 waistline<br />前过肩 front yoke<br />领嘴 notch<br />胸部 chest/breast/bosom<br />硬衬胸 front stiff<br />前襟/前片/前幅 forepart/front panel<br />开襟 opening/placket/cardigan front<br />长开襟 deep placket<br />半开襟 placket front/neckline placket<br />对襟 front opening<br />偏襟 slanting front/side opening<br />曲襟 crank opening<br />门襟 top/front fly<br />明门襟 front strap/band//top center<br />贴门襟 facing strap<br />暗门襟 French front/plain front//wrap over front/ button panel/cover placket<br />假门襟 mock fly<br />门襟里打袢 fly tongue<br />里襟 under/right fly<br />挂面 front facing<br />前搭门 front overlap<br />门襟止口 front edge<br />腰身 waist<br />下摆/衣裾 bottom/hem/lap<br />平下摆square-cut hem/plain hem/flat hem<br />斜下摆 slant-cut bottom<br />弧形下摆 curve bottom<br />圆下摆 round bottom<br />罗纹下摆 rib bottom<br />底边/折边 hem<br />反折边 turnup hem<br />贴边 facing/welt<br />滚边 piped/welted edge<br />滚条 welt<br />嵌条 panel<br />包边 covered edge<br />假封边 tack edge<br />毛边 fringe<br />皱襞 jabot<br />领串口 gorge line<br />领驳口 fold line for lapel<br />扣眼/钮孔 buttonhole<br />圆头钮孔/凤眼 eyelet buttonhole<br />平头钮孔/直扣眼 straight/flat buttonhole<br />花式扣眼 fancy buttonhole<br />假扣眼 mock/decoration buttonhole<br />滚边扣眼/滚眼 welt buttonhole <br />扣位button stand<br />扣眼位buttonhole position<br />扣眼档 buttonhole distance<br />省 dart<br />前肩省 front shoulder dart<br />前腰省 front waist dart<br />驳口省 lapel dart<br />肋省 underarm/side dart<br />肚省 stomach dart<br />曲线省/刀背缝 French dart<br />衣后身 back body <br />后片/后幅 back panel<br />后身里 back lining<br />后身半衬里 half back lining<br />总肩 across back shoulders<br />小肩 shoulder line<br />后过肩 back yoke<br />后开襟 back opening<br />后搭门 back overlap<br />后半腰带 half back belt<br />后摆 tail/sweep/coattail<br />后摆省 back waist dart<br />后肩省 back shoulder dart<br />衩 vent/slit/slash/umanoir(F)<br />背衩 back vent<br />单衩 center vent<br />明单衩 hook vent<br />阴衩/暗衩 inverted vent<br />边衩/双开衩 side vent/split<br />钩形衩 hook vent
发表于 2005-3-9 16:03 | 只看该作者
裤裙部位部件 trousers &amp; skirts<br />前/后片 front/back leg<br />外长 outseam<br />内长 inseam<br />腰头 waistband<br />腰头侧 topside<br />左/右腰头 left/right topside<br />腰头上口 upper end of waistband<br />腰间门襟 front waistband<br />腰头搭袢 button catch<br />裤耳/裤带袢 belt loop/keep<br />裤门袢 left fly/fly<br />裤里襟 right/under fly//button pabel/catch<br />里襟里子 right facing<br />里襟尖嘴 button tab at right fly<br />裤裆/裤衩/裤底十字骨 crutch/crotch<br />裤裆深 crutch depth<br />股上 crotch length<br />裤直裆/裤立裆 rise<br />短直裆 high rise<br />前直裆/小裆 front rise<br />后直裆/落裆 back rise<br />下落裆 inside leg<br />横裆 thigh<br />上裆 seat<br />中裆 leg width<br />小后裆 front back crutch<br />小/大裤底 front/back crutch stay<br />裤衩布 crutch gusset<br />裤裆里子 crutch lining<br />膝盖绸 reinforcement for knee<br />脚口 leg opening/bottom<br />平脚口 plain bottom<br />卷边脚口 turn-up bottom/bottom with cuff<br />贴脚条 bottom binding/tape//heel stay<br />裤腰省 waistline dart<br />裤前褶/裤裥 trouser/waist/front pleat<br />裤腿折线/裤线 front crease<br />裙裥 skirt pleat<br />裙衩 placket<br />裙开口处腰袋 placket
发表于 2005-3-9 15:54 | 只看该作者
裁片Cutted pieces, cut pieces, cut parts<br /><br />衣大身Bodice, body<br /><br />大身衣片Body piece<br /><br />前身里子Front lining<br /><br />全(半)衬里Full(half) lining<br /><br />活动里Detachable lining<br /><br />脱卸里Zip-out lining<br /><br />防缩里Shrink-proof lining<br /><br />衣肩Shoulder<br /><br />腰节Waistline<br /><br />前过肩Front yoke<br /><br />领嘴Notch<br /><br />衣胸Chest, breast, bosom<br /><br />(衬衫) 硬衬胸Front stiff<br /><br />前幅,前襟Forepart, front, front panel<br /><br />左(右)前襟Left (right) forepart<br /><br />单(双)襟single ( double) breast<br /><br />开襟Opening, placket, open front, cardigan front<br /><br />全襟Full open front<br /><br />长开襟Deep placket<br /><br />半开襟Placket front, neckline placket<br /><br />对襟Front opening<br /><br />偏襟Slanting front, side opening<br /><br />曲襟Crank opening<br /><br />门襟Top fly, front fly, fly, placket, plaquette, button warp, storm flap<br /><br />明门襟Front strap, front band, box pleat front, top center plait, top center, placket front, neckline placket<br /><br />贴门襟Facing strap<br /><br />暗门襟French front, plain front, wrap over front, button panel, cover placket<br /><br />假门襟Mock fly<br /><br />门襟里搭袢Fly tongue<br /><br />里襟Under fly, right fly, right front<br /><br />挂面Front facing, facing<br /><br />前搭门Front overlap<br /><br />门襟止口Front edge<br /><br />腰Waist<br /><br />下摆Bottom, hem, lap, sweep, expansion, suso<br /><br />平下摆Square-cut bottom, square front, plain bottom, flat bottom<br /><br />斜下摆Slant-cut bottom<br /><br />弧形下摆Curve bottom<br /><br />圆下摆Round bottom<br /><br />衬衣下摆Shirttail hem, shirttail<br /><br />罗纹下摆Rib bottom<br /><br />大圆角前摆Front cut away<br /><br />圆角前摆Front round cut<br /><br />方角前摆Front square cut, square front<br /><br />止口圆角Front cut<br /><br />止口圆角点线Front cut point<br /><br />衣边edge, hem<br /><br />底标Hem<br /><br />下摆折边Bottom hem<br /><br />袖口折边Cuff hem<br /><br />口袋折边Pocket hem<br /><br />下卷边Roll-down hem<br /><br />反折边Turn up hem<br /><br />贴边Facing, welt<br /><br />滚边Piped edge, welted edge<br /><br />滚条Welt<br /><br />嵌条 Panel<br /><br />中心嵌条Centre panel<br /><br />左右嵌条Left (right) side panel<br /><br />包边Covered edge<br /><br />假缝边Tack edge<br /><br />毛边Fringe<br /><br />缝头Seam allowance, seam, balance<br /><br />领串口Gorge line<br /><br />领驳口Fold line for lapel<br /><br />扣眼Buttonhole<br /><br />圆锁眼Eyelet buttonhole<br /><br />平锁眼Straight end buttonhole, flat buttonhole<br /><br />花式扣眼Fancy buttonhole<br /><br />假扣眼Mock buttonhole, decoration buttonhole<br /><br />滚眼Welt buttonhole<br /><br />扣位Button stand<br /><br />扣眼位Button position<br /><br />扣眼档Button distance<br /><br />省Dart<br /><br />前肩省Front shoulder dart<br /><br />前腰省Front waist dart<br /><br />胸省Chest dart, breast dart<br /><br />领省Neck dart<br /><br />领口省Neckline dart, gorge dart<br /><br />驳头省Lapel dart<br /><br />肋省Underarm dart, side dart<br /><br />横省Side dart<br /><br />袖窿省Armhole dart<br /><br />肘省Elbow dart<br /><br />肚省Stomach dart<br /><br />曲线省French dart<br /><br />鱼型省(褶)Fish dart
发表于 2005-3-9 15:53 | 只看该作者
袖里Sleeve lining <br /><br />大(小)袖里Top(under) sleeve lining<br /><br />袖型Sleeve shape ,sleeve style, sleeve modeling<br /><br />袖窿Armhole, scye<br /><br />袖山Sleeve cap, sleeve cuff, cuff opening <br /><br />单袖头Single cuff<br /><br />双袖头Double cuff, French cuff, turn-up cuff, fold back cuff<br /><br />单(双)扣袖头One(two) –button cuff<br /><br />两用袖头Convertible cuff<br /><br />松紧袖口Elstic cuff<br /><br />罗纹袖口Rib-knit cuff<br /><br />防风袖头Storm cuff<br /><br />活动袖头Detachable cuff<br /><br />假袖头Imitation cuff<br /><br />假翻袖头Cuff band, cuff strap<br /><br />紧袖口Bracelet cuff<br /><br />束带袖头Strpped cuff<br /><br />扇型袖头Scalloped cuff<br /><br />褶裥泡状袖头Bead cuff<br /><br />无卷边袖头Cuffless<br /><br />衬衫袖头Wristband<br /><br />袖头里子Cuff lining<br /><br />袖衩Cuff opening, cuff vent, sleeve placket, sleeve slit, sleeve vent<br /><br />大袖衩Sleeve facing<br /><br />小袖衩Sleeve under facing<br /><br />袖衩搭边Sleeve overlap<br /><br />袖衩条Sleeve placket<br /><br />腋部吸汗垫布Shield<br /><br />腋下镶布Underarm gusset<br /><br />肘部垫布Elbow patch
发表于 2005-3-9 15:30 | 只看该作者


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