
标题: 木吊牌-太漂亮了 [打印本页]

作者: 木吊牌    时间: 2006-8-10 18:26
标题: 木吊牌-太漂亮了
木吊牌—名贵原木切片复合而成,纹理自然高雅,高端市场定位,规格/厚度可定制和印刷加工,也可烫金或雕刻,厚度从 0.5mm—1cm。欢迎合作。021-66161172-16<br /><br />The wooden label is compounded by wooden slices with natural grains. The thickness could depend on customer's request from 0.5mm to 1cm . This material is patented, can be reprocessed.&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="mailto:0086_21@163.com">0086_21@163.com</a>
作者: 木吊牌    时间: 2006-8-12 21:12
<img src="images/smilies/shocked.gif" smilieid="6" border="0" alt="" />?

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